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Stay Safe TG!

Stay Safe TG!
As we all know, the world is going through a crisis. 
It is the challenge of our times and we all need to stay strong!
On behalf of the News Team & the Public Relations Office, i wish all members of TG good health and to stay safe!
Remember, if your in a country that is locked down, or about to be locked down, listen to your governments and we WILL beat this virus... as a WORLD!
It may take months, or even a year, to get rid of this virus correctly. While the prospect of staying indoors for days on end can seem great, it will get to people, mentally.
Remember to talk to people of our community so you don't feel as isolated!
Good luck to everyone!!

What It's Like To Be... Episode 6

What It's Like To Be...
Public Relations Head

Hello TG and welcome to the sixth episode of a this series. In this series, titled 'What It's Like To Be..", I will be interviewing members of TG throughout the ranks, ranging from squad member right up to the CoC. As well as interviewing CoC members, i will also be taking the chance to interview certain members in support positions. This series will be published on a monthly basis. 
Today i had to pleasure of interviewing my boss, TG SirMadness, head of the public relations office.
TG SmokeyB: What attracted you to this position?
TG SirMadness: Public Relations Head was a position I never really aspired to be. I was happy being apart of the news team as News Team Head or Lead as its now called. I was only News Team Lead a month before Callum, the old PRH, who held that position for roughly three years prior, stood down and less then an hour later, Biggy and KrizZz invited me to a group DM on discord asking could I take PRH. At first I was hesitant as the PRO had gone through a lot of recent dramatic changes, and it wasn't in a stable position. I worked hard to get News Team Head, a position I always was inspired and longed to hold. But when the question was asked It took me a while to consider, and the main reason why I took the position was, what if someone else took at and changed things up? I also had been in the PRO for a previous 2.5 years before taking PRH so I know what the PRO is and what it could become.  Also as PRH your in a position to make alot of your own changes and do great things for the community, that's why I was attracted to the position.
TG SmokeyB: You've been in your position of Public Relations Head since 2018. What is the main reason for serving in the position for so long?
TG SirMadness: Good question. Not really sure, I love the PRO, and as the head I can continue shape the PRO to make it even better everyday, Callum the old PRH held the position for 3 years so I think the contract is something like that.  I've no plans on ever leaving PRH at least for the foreseeable future.

The reasons I stay is for TG and the members who serve under me. Getting to see all the content the PRO produce, whether it be the news team articles, the Social Media Posts or Streams and the amount of time that goes into all of it. Its inspiring! 
TG SmokeyB: Can you tell us the best highlight while serving as a PRH?
TG SirMadnes: The biggest highlight for me while serving as the PRH is working with the staff and members of the office. Their enthusiasm, their helpful nature, their dedication and commitment to the office and to supporting TG is incredible.  There are no specific moments as a PRH that I would single out, Every big moment in the PRO is a highlight for me, when new members join the PRO, when members step up, show initiative and their creativity. All of these are small highlights for me.  Everyday being where I am and what the PRO can do as a team is what I love. Becoming PRH was probably the biggest highlight for me though. I will always remember that day!
TG SmokeyB: What attracted you to TG when you first joined?
TG SirMadness: I knew nothing about TG or any Gaming Clans or Communities before joining TG. I remember exactly how I joined. I was playing on Wake Island on Conquest Mode in BF3 on Xbox 360 and I was taking bravo Objective and was sitting on a rock when an enemy chopper came in to gun me down and I took a shot with my RPG and saw it crash into the sea, moments later I received a message from a one Bluffable Toast (long gone from TG) and asked that I should join. I signed up that evening, completed the Boot Camp test and was assigned to Norfolk IS under Bluffable Toast.
The next day I had my first practice on the Sunday and we went through all the Rules / Regs / Standards and game related items on the map Grand Bazzar. It was amazing. From there i was hooked.
The reason I stayed, was feeling apart of something bigger. Being apart of a team that were like minded and all on the same page. Learning off each other and having fun while dominating the battlefield as ONE team. There is also so much about TG to love, the dedicated staff that are incredibly enthusiastic about the community and their duties to ensure the continued success of the divisions, Brigades and battalions.
TG SmokeyB: I imagine you are busy with handling all aspects of PRO (your teams and getting fresh ideas in). What is it about been the PRH that you love?
TG SirMadness: As mentioned above, I love being PRH and I love the PRO. Ive been in the PRO for nearly 5 years and loved every bit of it. It's the staff and members I work with everyday that keeps me going! 

As PRH for those who don't really know what the position entails let me explain briefly. The PRH is in charge of all aspects of the Public Relations Office. I am here to ensure the duties off all my staff in all teams complete their task and are constantly engaging with everyone in the team.  I am here to work with all levels of staff,  from SS through to the President and everyone else in TG, like, Web Team, Competition Team and Training Office.  TG sponsorship's are also organised by the PRH. As well as our main duty is to PROMOTE TG and EVERYTHING THEY DO!
TG SmokeyB: Can you tell me a little more about your TG history?
I joined TG back in 2012 before Christmas, graduated Norfolk IN and moved to Vikings Squad where i stayed there for several months before becoming SA and the SL early next year. I stayed their until I got the XB1 and transferred over to XB1 brigade with a lot of the same members from vikings and the battalion. at that time it was lead by, TG HookieMonsta(BGC) Major TG Warhead as CO and @TGx DX the XO. MacroCarpa and TG MrCqqKer were DO's during those times as well. 

It was around that time that I joined the News Team in October 2014 and started by PRO career from their while still in BF division. rose through the News Team, becoming Team Lead and eventually Editor In chief in 2016.
When Star Wars Battlefront came out i transferred over to that division and joined as SL of the IN Squad before taking on XO and then CO for the battalion. That was a great time as i spent a lot of time playing with 1st BN and 2nd BN, and running inter battalion matches. It was also my first experience being Battalion staff and leading members, shaping squads and working tirelessly to recruit members to bolster our numbers int the battalion and the division as a whole. That was great fun.
I eventually took on BGC with TGxWildBoy as DO working under @TG HaloHobo  as 2nd CC. The division eventually shut down and I moved to Gears of War Division as Assistant Trainer under @TG Epsi as HT. Stayed as AT for a few months, working with the division and show how terrible i was at the game. but loved it all the same. Stayed their until the division closed and moved back to BF division playing BF1 with some of the members from the STWB division.  a month or so later i stepped away due to college and work schedule didn't align very well and that was the last time I was in TW.
Remained in the PRO for the rest of my career and the Web Team since 2016.
My history is a little messy so this might help better show all my roles etc etc .....
Battlefield Division 
360/2nd Norfolk SM
360/2nd Argonauts SM
360/2nd Vikings SM SA SL
***Transfer to Xbox One*** 
XB1/2nd Essex SM 
XB1/2nd NightHawks SM
XB1/2nd Gators SM
XB1/2nd RedLions SA  
XB1/2nd Mentor 
Star Wars Battlefront Division
XB1/2nd Rogue Squadron SL
XB1/2nd Chewbacca SL
XB1/2nd XO
XB1/2nd CO
Gears Of War Division
Gorgons IN SM
Gears Of War Assistant Trainer
Recruit Advisory Program{Disbanded]
Recruit Advisor 
Recruit Advisor Head  
News Team 
Community news member
Community News Team Lead 
News Editor In Chief 
News Team Head (Lead) 
Web Team(Graphics)
Graphics Team Member -  March 29th 2016-Present
Public Relations Office 
News Team 
Community news member October - 6th 2014
Community News Team Lead 
News Editor In Chief 
News Team Head (Lead) 
Public Relations Assistant 
Public Relations Head
(March 27th 2018)
TG SmokeyB: If you could change one thing in TG, what would it be?
TG SirMadness: I'll get back to you on that one!  There is alot of great things that TG has going for it, its managed to last a staggering 15 years which is an insane credit to the structure and its members.  I would like to see more members get out of their squads and divisions and get to know the rest of the community more by actively engaging on the forums or the main TG Discord.

TG SmokeyB: Just for fun. If you where having your last meal tomorrow, what would it be?
TG SirMadness: Hmm, my last meal, probably a full Carvery, cranberry sauce on the side. with a jug of tea.
Thank you @TG SirMadness for taking part in this series, some interesting answers there. I agree with you on the carvery!
Stayed tuned for another episode in a months time!

Public Relations Office Lockdown Agenda

Hello Tactical Gaming 

Currently, The Public Relations Office is very Busy with a lot of Events and Operations  

Below is a list of what we are doing and would love to see you take part! 

Operation Quarantine 
6pmEST/10pm GMT - JoeyWarFighter

6pmEST/10pm GMT - joeyWarfighter
8pmEST/12amGMT - TG BlackSHade

4pmEST/8pm GMT:  - FREEMO
8pmEST/12amGMT -  KROJAK
10pmEST/2amGMT  - Nero

8pmEST/12amGMT:    TGxCid
10pmEST/2amGMT:    ReliantSabre

10pmEST/2amGMT - TypicalVeteran
4pmEST/8pm GMT: - MissVendetta
6pmEST/10pm GMT - Tonyhowell112
8pmEST/12amGMT -  TG Shuamarai
10pmEST/2amGMT - RareCosmicPepe

4pmEST/8pm GMT: - TGxNoRageTTV
6pmEST/10pm GMT - TGxNoRageTTV
Post Your Clips
Have Some Awesome game clips you want to share then post them below
Fred hutch Charity Stream
The Public Relations Office is running a Charity Stream to support  the "Fred Hutch" Charity.
Tactical Adventures Expanding 
Tactical Adventures is looking to expand its current amount of games it supports, 
Community Nights with a Splash of Retro
interested in playing some old games with members, then check the link below

Foundations - APEX Legends

First and foremost, I am glad to be back in the News Team. The members here are great people, just like others across all of Tactical Gaming. 
Many of us are faced with difficult times. It is during these difficult times, where our community shows it's true colors and comes together in support of one another. In that, we try to do what we can, where we can for members who are facing difficulties.
This article is focused on what Apex has done recently for one of our own. Elk-III has been good for us, I haven't had an opportunity to meet just yet. I am sure that we will cross paths at some point.  
Hearing about Elk's plight, reminds me a lot of how so many of us have gone through our hard times, and we have stuck together through it all.
The Apex division, their staff, and the 3rd CC embodies the ideal TG member. Elk has recently been faced with a hard situation. Apex, 3rd Corps, 1st Army, TA, TW, and TG as a whole came together for a competition in honor of Elk's own.
We are a community of like minded gamer's. "I am here for you." is the sentiment that we all share. 
So, here's to Joyce! May we all be able to be graced by the likes of a woman of your magnitude. Stay safe, TG.

League of Legends Legion Wins Clash

Recently members of our beautiful League of Legends Division took part in a Clash tournament. What is Clash? Clash is a bracket based tournament created by Riot Games that has been incorporated into the League of Legends client/game. A team is made up of 5 players ranging from Tier I to Tier IV based on the average of the entire teams tiers combined. 
So recently a team of; Beefhanger - Top Lane, TG Here Cause Posh - Jungle,  Mageck - Mid Lane, Ractet - ADC, Fairy Sorceress - Support, who got placed into the Tier 3 division. This was a team thrown together out of the blue with members from various positions and Beefhanger even being a player they found on the boards to join TG and play with them. 
The thought process before the games, Fairy Sorceress had this to say 
Unfortunately though their plan was already not going to plan, before the first game had even started. Magecks Vladimir was banned by the enemy team and he was forced into playing Orianna. But Perhaps this wasnt such a bad thing overall. The botlane of Ractet and Fairy in the bottom lane were able to use their comfort picks of Caitlyn and Nami, Beefhanger was on Fiora who if played right can counter the enemy champion Jax and TGHereCausePosh was able to go onto Zac, a champion that can combo very well with the Orianna and works well with the other champions also. TGHereCausePosh was able to influence the lanes very well and assisted all the lanes to a comfortable victory. 
Here are the stats for the game and what Fairy had to say about the 1st game: 

In the second round, as you would expect, the competition got a little bit tougher. The compositions got a little stranger with both teams ending up playing mid lane champions top lane. Magecks Vladimir was once again banned for the second game so he went back to the trustee Orianna however the enemy team did ban the Zac and Fiora from the game before so those two players switched over to Yasuo top to counteract the Cassiopeia pick and Sejuani jungle with a change in the adc role also with ractet moving to Kai'Sa and Fairy Sorceress staying on Nami for the knock up to help Yasuo/Orianna clean up. The opponents kept applying pressure and trying to force the TG Clash team into making mistakes. However they did not make any and were able to use team play to overcome their advances and once again sail smoothly to a fairly comfortable win as you can see in these statistics. 
After winning that game our team had advanced onto the finals. Just one step away from victory. But how simple would it be? Here's what Fairy sorceress had to say: 
The enemy team ended up banning the Sejuani which then forced TGHereCausePosh back onto the Zac, Beefhanger beefed up the team with a tank Sion and ractet moved onto the Varus. Mageck was able to completely stomp the Shyvanna in the midlane, Bot lane was able to push in the Tristana and Lux who weren't able to get farm and weren't able to deal with the poke coming out of the Varus/Lulu combo in the bot and when they managed to engaged our team was able to turn the fight and pick up a couple of kills. At around mid game after winning the majority of the lanes they were able to group up and push for objectives and the other team was too far behind to deal with the heavy assault. Thanks to great team coordination they were able to combo the Zac jumping in with a lulu ult and with the Varus being able to be buffed up by the Lulu and clean up the fight from range. Meanwhile Vladimir and Sion were able to get on to the back line which gave them a huge edge in team fights leading to the eventual victory for the final game of the tournament!! 
Here are the stats from that game:
So, congratulations to the League of Legends Division for a huge victory and may we see many more from you!! If you would like to see more articles like this or have anything to say about this article make sure to leave something in the comment section below and most importantly make sure to congratulate the team!! 

Keeping Covered With: Division News!

Hello Tactical Gaming 
In this 1st issue of "Keeping Covered With" We give you a sneak peak as to what is
going on in some of the divisions of TG
Call of Duty
Call of Duty Division have announced a bunch of new Tournaments, 
check on the below
Call of Duty Squad League
First Annual Double Double Tournament
Recruitment Event
Apex Division have started a Division Only Tournament
Apex Legends Division Battle of the brigades Tournament
Battlefield's latest squad of the month is now a thing! 

15 Year Anniversary Spotlight - DBLDeathDealer

As part of the Tactical Gaming's 15 Anniversary  plan mentioned in this announcement. The PRO have gone out an interviewed various members of TG's longest standing members that have seen so much in their incredibly long tenures within TG! 

Today, I had the opportunity to chat with a man who has witness pretty much the entire history of TG! Has been a major influence in many of Tactical Gaming's biggest changes and has watched it evolve into what it is today. Has held countless positions in TG all the way to Vice President!  
Without Further Adieu:

Lets quickly Start off your basically apart of the furniture. Can you remember joining Tactical Warfare back in 2006. 
I can't remember putting on my shoes yesterday.  May be that I am getting old and yes for all the young folks out there, it will happen to you as well.  In all seriousness, I do remember coming here in 2006.  It seems I searched for a tactical based community that actually communicated when they played together.  At the time, it was aggravating to be in game with individuals that would not tell you when a player was about to shotgun you to the face.
This community absolutely lived up to the hype and still does.

Can you talk about signing up,  Drill instructors,  how IS squads were ran and organised.
The sign-up process was similar to what you see today, other than the introduction to the community was through a Drill Instructor.  At the time TG Signal was my first introduction to the community.  For those that have served in the military, you always remember your Drill Instructors and coming to this community was no different.  TG Signal really set the tone for me associated with joining the community.  Before I even completed my bootcamp, we were playing together.  There was a natural feeling that the community truly was a like-minded community of gamers.
What was your first few weeks/months in TG like compared to how SMs / SS /BNs operate now?
I don't think it was much different.  Everything was really a blur for the first 30 days.  So much to learn, so many practices and so much gaming.  The one thing I do know is I made true life-long friends during my first couple of months inside of this organization.  I still talk to almost everyone that was here back then.  Not as often as I should, but we communicate often.
It is the one thing I have tried to do during my time, which has not always been easy.  Walking the fine line of delegating responsibility and allowing leaders below me to make mistakes and learn from them.  At the same time, being here when they truly need support.  The last couple of years have been a bit harder for that to occur, but there is so much to be thankful for in regards to Tactical Gaming.  I deployed over a dozen times while in this community and had multiple members send me care packages while gone.  That is what a FAMILY looks like.  Not just about gaming, but about the person.  So, those reading this (and you know who you are) your shout out and thank you is happening now. 
in 2008 TW became TG and then shortly after TS was born, can you talk about that, how TG evolved. what it meant for the members?
Well, the hope is we continue to evolve.  No business or corporation in the world survives if they don't evolve to the current climate.  I suspect we will have a couple more of these that will occur over the next couple of years.  It will be an exciting time for those that are part of it.
The initiation of Tactical Sports was to help ease how we looked at games from back when TG Biggy started the community.  It was hard to pull sports, driving, etc. into the Tactical Warfare mold.  At the same time, we had the ability to redefine the organization into a name that appreciated all genres, which is where Tactical Gaming really came from.
We surely did not get it right, but it was nobodies fault.  We had an idea and we tried it.  I love that about the organization when we can do that.  Let's test it and go from there.  Again, this gets back to evolving and testing the water.  How do you know if you like the gross looking food if you don't try it.  To me, it was not about the leadership at that point, we started TS because the members had asked for it. 
The good news, we had the launch of Tactical Adventures and we are getting way closer now.  We did not give TA the freedom it needed, but we are close.  There is no doubt that we will get this right in the next year or so and then I believe the true expansion of the community will happen in a positive way.

(Photo of @DBLDeathDealer in the morning before his Coffee)

TG has been through alot of different website variations through the years, each bring new Tech and easier ways for Staff to complete their duties, what are the biggest changes that you can remember  -  ATS modules upgrades might be worth mentioning.
Anytime someone mentions the ATS I immediately want to cringe.  I still remember a time when we coded the very first one.  The developer gave up on the system and then I picked it up with almost zero coding experience.  However, in less than 90 days we took spreadsheets and put them into what you see as the ATS today.  You think tracking attendance is hard today.....you have no idea what it used to look like. 
I am thankful for folks like Storm, JJ, Blistig and Taylor for stepping into one of the most thankless jobs in this community.  Of all the positions we have, there is probably no other position that gets less appreciation than the Web Team.  It is almost like being a cop, everybody hates you until they need you.  For the web team, it is the same with the site.  Although I may have helped guide the ship throughout my career in Tactical Gaming, it was truly these talented members that devoted their off time to make the community really where it is today. 
As for things to expect from the system, you would need to ask Taylor.  He will probably tell you the same thing as me.....I can't talk about it.  
In the past, TG had a much bigger competitive scene! what was it like back then, TG had more CS squads, more teams competing? then it slowed down a little in more recent years, - picking up again now,  is this what lead you to create The Gaming Leauge (also might worth mentioned you are in FraggedNation) 
Competitive spirit is really what defines a military service member no matter the branch or the country.  We are constantly pushing to be better than those around us, but in a respectful and fun way.  With that being said, there is no better way to grow a bond with people then in a competitive atmosphere.  You become so close, you learn everything about the person; how they move, their favorite spot, how they communicate, etc.  In a sense, this is what really made the competitive scene from the older days so valuable and we just have not been able to get there again.
We do have some fabulous squads and sections across the entire Tactical Gaming enterprise crushing it and competing where they can.  Gaming has changed alot now though.  We don't really have a need for ladders or tournaments because you have in-game competitions.  Much of that grew from sites like GameBattles, FraggedNation, etc.  Developers over time just realized it was such a great way to cultivate a stable community of folks.  For those that are still reading this post, just hear what I said again, it is such an amazing way to cultivate a stable community.
The right type of competition is needed in this community.  Fun creates growth no matter what you do.  Nobody wants to work in a hostile environment when they are getting paid, so there is no difference in a volunteer gaming community.  I would challenge this entire community to compete.  As I mentioned earlier, almost all my friends from this community were created around competitive based gaming.  For those I did not compete with, we have a relationship, but it does not relate to those who I grinded with for hours and hours each week.
One last comment, remember that you make this community what it is.  Everyone is replaceable and that is a good thing.  We are and shall remain a family first and group of like-minded gamers.  Everyone can have an impact here, you just have to step into the dark night and do your part to make this place better.  The challenge has been presented, now it is your time to accept it.
Thank you so much for all you've done and all that you continue to do so! 

Support Teams Are Hiring!

Hey Tactical Gaming! 
Tactical Gaming is unique in what we offer members outside of practice, with dedicated teams to improve, develop, and engage all your gaming interests. 
If you interested and have time and skills. why not check some of the positions below!
Good with Graphics? 
Know your way around Photoshop or a similar software? 
Why not apply for the graphics team? 
Click HERE if interested in joining or find out about the new Digital Media Team Changes
Like Streaming?
Want to show off your skills in front of an audience. Promote the TG Community
then why not apply HERE
Fond of Writing?
Like telling stories, Sharing member experiences? Keeping up to date with the latest Gaming News?
News Team might be for you! 
Apply HERE
Feeling Competitive? 
The Competition Office is looking for Highly Organised and Motivated Individuals
to promote competition across TW & TA
To find out More: Click HERE
Train Harder
The Training Office is among the most Important Offices within TG!
If you want to help really develop your division / legion 
Apply for Assistant Trainer and Make a Difference!
--Please check your local division/legion for open applications

Apex Legends Division Tournament

Apex division are hosting a Special Event!
A Tournament dedicated to the memory of "Joyce", Grandmother of Elk-III (PS4 CO)

Starts March 14th 
Pre Tournament:
This Tournament is for members of www.TacticalGaming.net Only
Team must have someone streaming to either Twitch or Mixer
During Tournament:
All players must use their main account
All games will be played in regular apex game mode. Ranked league's and deja loot will not be allowed
EU Players must que at 8pm GMT
NA Players must que at 8pm EST
Players must take a screenshot of their game after they die/end
Only 4 consecutive games can be played
Mandatory 5 minute breaks in between each game to regroup and handle technical difficulties
Lag outs / disconnects can be restarted but no points from that game will count.
Post Tournament:
Players will send their screenshots to #tournament-score-reporting channel in the discord
All points are counted from the 4 games
Points System:
Champion = 8 Points
2nd Finish = 5 Points
3rd Finish = 3 Points
1 Kill = 1 Point
Check this Thread for more details
^^^Signups are now OPEN^^^
Good Luck to all Contestants! 

December Christmas Jumpers Results

During December,  Some members took out to showing off their Christmas Jumpers and raised $25  for ToWriteLoveOnHerArms
Judges choose their top 4
(Judges are a Secret)
Grandma award - Madness

Best in Show Award & Modern Art Masterpiece  - HSquared

Catch Fire Award -  TG Ghost Hunter

Ug and Lee Award #3 - Demon 

Thank You to all those who contributed and Showed off their jumpers!!!
@TG HSquared @Demon8 @Eiwitgod @TG SirMadness @TG Ghost Hunter 

A look at what we know about the PS5

While a lot of information we currently have about the PS5 is currently speculative we do have a lot of information that has been officially announced by Sony and the lead developers of the new console. Every time a new console comes out the debate is always extreme, which console is better? PlayStation or Xbox? Well if we take a look in the past in recent years I would say the 360 won out when it came head to head with the PS3, however in more recent years I think its more safe to say PS4 won the battle vs Xbox One quite easily. However, variations that followed went Microsofts way who made advancements and adjustments to their current model a lot better than Sony's. But perhaps that will be Microsofts downfall when it comes to new gen. Whereas Sony can make leaps and bounds there’s only so much Microsoft can improve on from the Xbox One X. So, who will win out the war this time around? While I don't have an answer for you, I can however give you a good idea of where the PS5 currently stands in terms of specs and some developments to the controllers etc.

Let's start off with the design. While a lot of early suggestions were aimed at a PS5 that was chunky and had a V shape those rumours have since been pretty much squashed. This design has turned out to be the dev. kits that are currently being used and some people have come out to say that this design was chosen so the consoles can easily be stacked during stress tests etc. While we currently do not know what the PS5 will look like exactly we do know that it officially is called the PS5 and will probably look like a sleeker and more advanced PS4. Sony have confirmed that they will not be showing the PS5 during E3 this year but the console is scheduled to launch during the holiday season of 2020 (November/December) so I would assume we will know what the console looks like between April and July, perhaps even earlier if we are lucky. 
Lets take a look at some of the specs of the console. 
Mark Cerny who is the lead system architect at Sony revealed in an interview that the new console will be an AMD based system. Cerny confirmed that the PS5's CPU is based on the third generation of AMD's Ryzen line of processors and features eight cores of the firm's new 7nm Zen 2 micro architecture. The chip has a custom 3D Audio unit that will deliver higher quality and more immersive in-game sound. Like the CPU, the GPU is also made by AMD which is a variant of Radeon's Navi family which will support full ray tracing (an advanced and lifelike way of rendering light and shadows in a scene).
The console will also feature a built in SSD. Do you know what that means? That means no more long loading times and laggy menus or your console stuttering while switching from the home screen to the game. Yay!! 
As well as faster loading times into the game, the SSD will also be able to render 2D worlds much faster than the PS4 which will allow game developers to make larger worlds and add more fluidity while moving through the game. Cerny also confirmed that 8K graphics will also be supported but in what capacity is yet to be seen. 

Last but not least Cerny confirmed that Virtual Reality is a priority for the dev team and with games such as beat saber I can see why. He has confirmed that the PlayStation VR headset will be compatible with the console but has not yet said whether or not there will be a new headset in the works for the console. With the progress of VR being so rapid I'm sure we will have some amazing things in store when it comes to VR on the next generation of console/games. 
Now, while we don't have much information about the next controller, we do know that it will be a DualShock controller and will probably have the back-button technology that Sony recently release to the PS4 controller as an adapter. While we don't know if it will be an adapter also or built in we almost certainly know its coming, Microsoft have had the elite controller for years and Scuf have been adapting PlayStation controllers for years to include the back buttons. Frankly I'm surprised it took Sony this long to capitalize on it. Other than that, we don't have any information, but I imagine it will look a lot like the PS4 controller design wise. Don't fix what's not broken eh? Although the could work on the Bluetooth issues experienced with the controllers at large tournaments such as CoD LANs etc. 

So far this is pretty much all we know about the PS5 however I expect we will know a lot more at the reveal of the Playstation 5 which is rumored to be happening this month. If we are lucky by the end of the month, we will know exactly how the PS5 looks and how it will stand up against the PS4 and its competitors from Microsoft. 
Are you excited about the PS5? Let us know in the comments below what you think and what you're most excited for with the next gen consoles. 
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