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  • TG Regulations


    Tactical Gaming (TG) was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms, to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics, as well as providing them with a social environment that allows a “friends-first” experience in the online community.
    Definition of a Cheat: any modifications to the platforms or official games and associated files or any utilization of a program that is meant to alter the behavior of the game in a way that either gives an advantage to players using it or gives a disadvantage to players not using it. Examples: wall hacks & speed cheats
    Definition of a Glitch: use of any behavior of the game that is either undocumented or unintended by the manufacturer in order to increase their own personal performance or decrease the performance of others. Example: Being able to hide in a rock or shoot through a wall that you normally can not.
    • No TG members will cheat or glitch under any circumstances.
    • No TG member is allowed to evaluate cheats in order to detect their use without express TG Executive Committee (TGEC) consent.
    • No TG member will associate with a known cheat or cheat maker under any circumstances.
    • Where possible all TG members will avoid known glitches.


    Should credible accusations of cheating or glitching occurs, the member will be subject to an investigation by the Chain of Command (CoC).  If found guilty, the member will be instantly discharged.



    TG does not form any alliances with other organizations. However we do have a friends community belief where non-members are welcome on our servers. TG members are not to become moles or spies in other clans.



    TG uses a Chain of Command (CoC) based on a modern military structure and as such members are expected to abide by the structure without exception.


    Any issues that arise have to be processed by the CoC. No member will jump over with its requests unless ordered to do so. All orders have to be followed, whether in game, training or in daily duties and are not subject to a discussion. Questions or issues are to be handled via the CoC. High priority issues, especially those that affect all TG must be handled by the TGEC.



    All  members are in constant mode of training as well as team building and as such we have practices. Their purpose is to improve our teamwork and tactics. All members are in a constant mode of social interaction and forum activity within the community. The goal is to help foster community and contribute to the overall goals of Tactical Gaming.



    We are primarily a group of friends and as such have a “Friends first” motto. However heated issues can occur. If an issue can not resolved on a reasonable and friendly basis, the CoC will step in and their decision is final.


    We accept all real life needs and commitments and will not put any member into a decision between real life success and TG and where possible, we will attempt to help in any way we can.


    If a member leaves TG on good terms, the decision will be respected and not questioned. He will be granted a honorable discharge and will be welcomed back if he chooses to return at a later date.



    Ranks, trophies and awards (medals & badges) will be handed out based on the following sorted principles:

    • Attendance points system
    • Dedication
    • Conduct
    • Teamwork
    • Performance


    Positions will be assigned based on the following sorted principles:

    • Dedication
    • Leadership abilities
    • Teamwork



    Members **WILL** respect each other regardless of their origin, nationality, age, gender, sexuality, race, religious beliefs or creed. The same level of respect will be given to non-members.


    • Members will show dignity, honor and integrity both in and outside of TG. Any insults or lack of respect towards TG and it’s members by non-members are to be ignored and left uncommented. We do not need to defend ourselves.
    • Cursing and all language of an offensive nature will not be tolerated, whether it be on forums, social media pages or any type of voice or text communications.
    • No member will issue religious or political matters or respond on one of them.
    • No member will broadcast issues or post content involving nudity, sexual content or any other adult content of an offensive or questionable nature whether it be by images, videos, text or voice communications.
    • No member will question policies and regulations in public. They are to use the CoC to issue their thoughts.
    • Sportsmanship behavior is mandatory.
    • Always remember that to the public, you are not perceived as an individual but as a representative of TG.



    Part of our mission is to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms and as such we do not compare our supported platforms.



    TG demands the same level of commitment from all its members. Members are allowed to be part of other communities as long as it doesn't:

    • Conflict we their Division’s gaming schedule
    • Conflict with any internal or external league/ladder/tournament rules
    • Causes harm to TG. (e.g. drama, poaching members, mass exodus etc.)



    The official language of TG is English however we are a multi-national group and will assist members with only basic English skills as much as possible.

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