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Tactical Gaming's Boots

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I hope we all had a wonderful holiday season and a great start to this new year here is our second part of the Tactical Gaming's Boots series. This time I had the pleasure to talk to BossChicow who joined TW\Halo\XB1\1st Battalion on December 17, 2018, and is currently with the IN squad THUNDER, as well as recently being announced to join the PRO stream team

Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions!

MrWulfie: How did you first hear about TG?
BossChicow: I'm good friends with PekabuICU and he described TG to me in a way that got my attention. I'm a sucker for organisation and I really enjoy working in a support position. Once he told me that was an option I was hooked and started the process of joining right then and there.

MrWulfie: What is it like being part of the IN squad?
BossChicow: It's hard to say because of my unique position as far as being a part of an IN squad. I have severe anxiety and depression and that really limits what I can do game wise. What I can say is that the entire squad has been very supportive and understanding which is simply amazing. Most communities wouldn't give someone like me any opportunity but the entire Thunder Squad, TG Shaumarai (SL), and TG C0ldT0xiN (CO) definitely earned my thanks and respect.



MrWulfie: Can you think of anything that you've noticed about TG that could be improved if anything?
BossChicow: In my opinion, anything and everything can be improved since nothing or no one is perfect. As for something in particular, no I think everything is pretty straight forward and I can't really think of anything so far that has come to my attention.

MrWulfie: What about TG attracted you to join?
BossChicow: Besides Pekabu's pitch, knowing that TG is so well organised in all aspects and having so many options as far as what a member can do and strive for is by far the #1 attraction for me.


MrWulfie: How has the TG community welcomed you to your new home?
BossChicow: Like I said before, the level of understanding and support from everyone has been simply amazing. I can't think of anything that comes close to how well I've been treated in TG.

MrWulfie: What lead you down the path of the PRO team?
BossChicow: Over my "gaming career" I've seen it all and done it all. From being a member all the way up to leading a community. With anxiety in play, the best place for me nowadays is in a support role. Streaming is something I've always loved doing even though it too can bring its own stress. After hearing from Pekabu that there was a team that specifically dealt with streaming (among other things of course) I knew right off the bat that's what I wanted to do. I probably could have picked a better time than the holidays to get things rolling, sorry JaiyoHD ;), but I finally got my wish and I couldn't be happier. I can't stress enough how excited I am for this opportunity and to work with some amazing people as well as TG as a whole. I hope what I bring to the table is going to be entertaining and/or informative depending on what it is I stream. Since I'm pitching here anyways I may as well add that I'm always open to suggestion on improvements on my content and I always have an open door policy along with any type of criticism.

MrWulfie: And finally, how would you rate your experience out of 5?
BossChicow: 5 out 5 no question.

Thank you so much BossChicow for taking the time to answer these questions and for being a very enthusiastic TG member. I have a feeling you'll go on to do great things with the right support and squad around you.

Thanks for joining us for this round of Tactical Gaming's Boots



If you are a new member and would be interested in doing a new boots interview comment below or message MrWulfie.

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