Presidential Coin for TGxN1ck
- By TGxBiggy
As I've said a few times now, I don't get a chance to award my Presidential coin to often as the impact must be TG wide. Well, @TGxN1ck (previous R6 PC BGC) return to TG has been blazing.
- His impact on the recruiting strategies for Battlefield Division
- Applying his recruiting know how in other Divisions
- Adding Hunt Showdown to Vanguard Division
- The big changes to our onboarding process.
As such
To all who shall see these presents, greeting:
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of
I hereby award one Instance of the Tactical Gaming Presidential Coin
TG Coins Descriptions
Given under my hand on August 29, 2023
Signed by: @TGxBiggy
President of TG