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League of Legends eSports Roundup and Preview

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League of Legends eSports Roundup and Preview


Last weekend we had the penultimate week of the LEC, week 8, and the quarterfinals of the LCS where we saw Clutch Gaming take on Team Solo Mid and Optic Gaming take on Counter Logic Gaming.


LEC Week 8 Day 1




Schalke 04 vs Misfits Gaming


Schalke 04 Blue Side: Odoamne - Gangplank, Trick - Sejuani, Abbedagge - Aatrox, Upset - Lucian, Ignar - Thresh

Misfits Red Side: Dan Dan - Vladimir, Kirei - Gragas, Lider - Yasuo, Hans Sama - Kai’sa, Doss - Alistar


In the 5th minute Doss engages onto Upset and Ignar however they turn it around when Trick comes down to grab first blood onto Doss. Schalke proceeded to take an Infernal drake before rotating bot lane where Trick got a triple kill however Misfits traded three kills back onto Trick, Upset and Ignar. In the 15th minute Schalke picked up their second Infernal drake of the game. A minute later Schalke picked up two kills in the bot lane on Kirei and Lider and then proceeded to take the first turret of the game. Misfits pick up an Infernal drake in the 20th minute however they pay the price for it with their bot lane and Lider dying which results in Schalke taking Nashor. In the 28th minute Misfits lose a 5 vs 5 getting aced, only killing Upset and losing the top and mid lane inhib turrets and the top lane inhibitor. At this point Schalke is in full control and proceed to taking the Nashor shortly after and a Cloud drake minutes later. Schalke then proceeds to siege the bottom lane inhib turret and take it along with the third and final inhib. Schalke then proceed to kill four and end the game.


SK Gaming vs Team Vitality


SK Gaming Blue Side: Sacre - Rumble, Selfmade - Rek’sai, Jenax - Corki, Crownshot - Lucian, Dreams - Yuumi


Team Vitality Red Side: Cabochard - Mordekaiser, Mowgli - Lee Sin, Jiizuke - Sylas, Attila - Xayah, Jactroll - Rakan


The action in this game only started in the 11th minute when Mowgli and Jiizuke engaged onto Selfmade in the bottom side jungle. Jenax was quick to aid his jungler and both top laners decided to TP down. Selfmade proceeded to get first blood onto Mowgli however died rather quick after to Jiizuke. Crownshot managed to pick up two kills onto Jiizuke and Cabochard with the help of Sacre. In the 17th minute Crownshot and Dreams had rotated to the top side and taken down the first turret, Vitality responded by taking down the Cloud drake. 5 minutes later SK took an Infernal drake, shortly after a 5 vs 5 teamfight broke out in the mid lane which saw Vitality pick up 4 kills and take the mid lane tier one turret, while SK only picked up two kills. SK managed to get a sneaky Nashor in the 26th minute however SK managed to respond in a perfect manner by getting an ace on them 2 minutes later. SK managed to take a Mountain drake a couple minutes later and traded the mid inhib turret, mid inhibitor and a nexus turret for the Nashor. Vitality quickly recalled to their base and tried to force a fight onto SK in which both teams traded two for two. SK decided to keep pushing and got the kill onto Jactroll which allowed them to end the game.


Fnatic vs Excel Esports


Fnatic Blue Side: Bwipo - Gangplank, Broxah - Lee Sin, Nemesis - Cassiopeia, Rekkles - Corki, Hylissang - Pyke

Excel Esports Red Side: Expect - Aatrox, Caedrel - Sylas, Mickey - Yasuo, Jeskla - Lucian, Mystiques - Nautilus


Broxah managed to get first blood in the fifth minute with the help of Hylissang when Caedral decided to invade Broxah’s Raptors, shortly after Broxah also secured the Infernal drake for Fnatic. A couple minutes later Excel got a pick onto Hylissang which allowed them to take control of the bottom lane river and pick up an Infernal drake. In the 13th minute Fnatic’s bot lane and Bwipo managed to secure the first turret in the top lane however Bwipo ended up paying for it with his life. Fnatic managed to secure a Cloud drake and the mid lane tier one turret after Bwipo picked up a triple kill. After some turrets were traded from both teams Excel proceeded to pick up a Mountain drake in the 24th minute. In the 28th minute Fnatic proceeded to getting an ace onto Excel which resulted in them getting the Nashor buff and another Infernal drake. The Nashor buff allowed Fnatic to shortly after take both the top and bottom inhib turrets and inhibitors. In the 33rd minute, just after the Nashor buff had run out, Fnatic began to siege the mid lane inhib turret and proceeded to destroy the final inhibitor. Fnatic picked up one more Cloud drake before killing four from Excel and then ending the game in just over 35 minutes.


Splyce vs Origen


Splyce Blue Side: Vizicsacsi - Gangplank, Xerxe - Qiyana, Humanoid - Akali, Kobbe - Kai’sa, Norskeren - Braum

Origen Red Side: Alphari - Karma, Kold - Lee Sin, Nukeduck - Twisted Fate, Patrik - Varus, Mithy - Tahm Kench


Kold and Alphari start of the game by diving Vizicsacsi in the third minute to secure the first blood, 6 minutes later Origen secure the first Mountain drake of the game. Kobbe takes the first turret of the game in the 14th minute with the help of the Rift Herald. Shortly after Splyce turn around an initial engage from Origen, pick up four kills and take the Mountain drake as a reward. In the 20th minute Origen are able to secure another Mountain drake however Splyce engage on them right after and Origen end up losing four making the gold lead gap even bigger and into a Nashor for Splyce. Splyce proceeded to get another Nashor in the 28th minute and then proceeding to push mid lane taking the mid lane inhib turret along with its inhibitor, killing Patrik in the process and then ending the game in just over 30 minutes.


G2 Esports vs Rogue


G2 Esports Blue Side: Wunder - Akali, Jankos - Sejuani, Caps - Qiyana, Perkz - Varus, Mikyx - Tahm Kench

Rogue Red Side: Finn - Sylas, Inspired - Elise, Larssen - Renekton, Woolite - Kai’sa, Vander - Pyke


Wunder is gifted the first blood onto Larssen by Jankos and Caps after they had chased him down and burned his flash. Rogue are able to secure the Mountain drake in the 12th minute after prior fights for this drake. 3 Minutes later G2 secure the Rift Herald and Wunder secures the top lane turret and another 3 minutes later G2 secure the Cloud drake. At 22 minutes G2 proceed to ace Rogue and get a free Nashor as a reward, a minute later they kill Larsson and then destroy the mid lane inhib turret and the inhibitor. They then take out the rest of the team and end the game. Very dominant game by G2.




LEC Week 8 Day 2


SK Gaming vs Splyce


SK Gaming Blue Side: Sacre - Corki, Selfmade - Sejuani, Jenax - Renekton, Crownshot - Ashe, Dreams - Tahm Kench

Splyce Red Side: Vizicsacsi - Gangplank, Xerxe - Gragas, Humanoid - Sylas, Kobbe - Xayah, Norskeren - Rakan


Selfmade ganks bot with the Sejuani in the 7th minute and manages to pick up 2 kills for his team to start this game off. 6 minutes later SK picks up a kill on Vizicsacsi which allows them to pick up an Ocean drake. At 16 minutes Sacre proceeded to pick up the first turret bot side however Splyce responded by taking top turret a couple seconds later. A couple minutes later Splyce also secured the Mountain drake. 27 minutes into the game Splyce get a kill on Selfmade and go for the Nashor which they secure, they however lose Humanoid and Norskeren but kill Jenax and Crownshot. With that Nashor buff they proceed to take the bot lane inhib turret and later on the Ocean drake. 36 minutes, Splyce secures the Nashor buff again however they pay the price with their bot lane duo and Vizicsacsi falling to SK. Two minutes later SK start the Elder drake which get stolen by Xerxe, in the fight that follows SK lose four and Crownshot is the only member from Splyce to fall. They then proceed to end the game in just over 39 minutes.


Schalke 04 vs Rogue


Schalke 04 Blue Side: Odoamne - Karma, Trick - Elise, Abbedagge - Aatrox, Upset - Tristana, Ignar - Braum

Rogue Red Side: Finn - Qiyana, Inspired - Sylas, Larssen - Akali, Woolite - Kai’sa, Vander - Alistar


Schalke start of the game by picking up an Ocean drake in the 8th minute, which Rogue responded to by getting first blood onto Odoamne two minutes later. 3 minutes later Rogue secured the Infernal drake however a minute later Schalke secured the first turret in the top lane with Odoamne and Trick. In the 19th minute Rogue get a pick onto Trick and then secure the tier one mid lane turret and the Mountain drake. Schalke pick up a second Ocean drake in the 26th minute. Rogue get an extended ace in the 28th minute which leads to them getting the Nashor buff which then let them take top lane tier one turret, bottom lane tier two turret, an Ocean drake and mid lane tier two turret. Rogue get an ace shortly after and end the game in just under 36 minutes. 


Origen vs Excel Esports


Origen Blue Side: Alphari - Aatrox, Kold - Gragas, Nukeduck - Akali, Patrik - Tristana, Mithy - Nautilus

Excel Esports Red Side: Expect - Renekton, Caedrel - Jarvan IV, Mickey - Sylas, Jeskla - Kai’sa, Mystiques - Rakan


Expect finds the first blood in the third minute thanks to a brilliant flash e, q knock up by Caedrel. A couple minutes later Excel secured an Infernal drake. 14 minutes in Excel find a pick onto Kold which allows them to then go for the Mountain drake and secure it. Origen respond by taking the top and bottom lane first tier turret. Just before the 20 minute mark Origen secured an Ocean drake. 5 minutes later Origen pick up 6 kills, killing Mystiques twice which allowed them to get a free Nashor. At the 27 minute mark Nukeduck pulls three too him bot lane which allows the rest of the team to take the middle inhibitor. Seconds later Caedrel steals a Mountain drake from Origen that Excel originally started. Right after the Origen lost the Nashor buff they took the top lane inhibitor turret and 2 minutes later the top inhibitor as well, killing four and then ending the game in just under 33 minutes.


G2 Esports vs Misfits Gaming


G2 Esports Blue Side: Wunder - Soraka, Jankos - Qiyana, Caps - Azir, Perkz - Lucian, Mikyx - Yuumi

Misfits Gaming Red Side: Dan Dan - Kennen, Kirei - Xin Zhao, Lider - Sylas, Hans Sama - Xayah, Doss - Rakan


Kirei and Lider pick up first blood onto Caps in just under 3 minutes and proceed to rake up 3 more kills within the first 7 minutes dominating the early stages of the match. Hans Sama picks up the first turret in the bot lane due to G2 putting four people on top side, they eventually trade the top side turret. Moments later Jankos steals the Mountain drake from Misfits. 22 minutes in Dan Dan and Hans Sama take down the bottom lane inhibitor, however G2 trade it for the Nashor buff, a kill onto Lider and the Ocean drake. 3 minutes later G2 are able to secure the bottom lane inhibitor and take a nexus tower before killing 3 and ending the game in just over 26 minutes.


Fnatic vs Team Vitality


Fnatic Blue Side: Bwipo - Jayce, Broxah - Lee Sin, Nemesis - Corki, Rekkles - Garen, Hylissang - Yuumi

Team Vitality Red Side: Cabochard - Karma, Mowgli - Olaf, Jiizuke - Sylas, Attila - Lucian, Jactroll - Volibear


Fnatic invades Vitality’s red buff resulting in Bwipo picking up first blood onto Mowgli and Nemesis killing Attila however Broxah and Rekkles die in the process. Bwipo steals the Infernal drake from Mowgli and kills him in the 9th minute, 5 minutes later a fight breaks out for the Infernal drake which Fnatic secure along with four kills. Prior to this Jiizuke picked up the first blood onto the turret in the 12th minute. 20 minutes in Fnatic secure a Cloud drake, and 5 minutes later they pick up another one. At the 27 mark Fnatic successfully sieges the mid lane inhib turret and take the mid lane inhibitor. 3 minutes later Fnatic proceeds to get the Nashor buff and with this get the top lane inhibitor, Cloud drake, an ace onto Vitality and shortly after the Nexus, finishing the game in under 33 minutes.




CG vs TSM --- CG Win 3-1 




Game 1


TSM Blue Side: Broken Blade - Kled, Spica - Sejuani, Bjergsen - Akali, Zven - Xayah, Smoothie - Rakan

CG Red Side: Damonte - Karma, Lira - Skarner, Huni - Gangplank, Cody Sun - Sivir, Vulcan - Nautilus


In the sixth minute of the game we saw the first bit of action with a fight getting started in the mid lane with Spica getting engaged on by Vulcan and Huni in the bot side river. Both Damonte and Broken Blade teleported down, Huni proceeded to get first blood with his Gangplank onto Spica’s Sejuani however Bjergsen ended up killing Huni ending the fight with a one for one trade. In the 9th minute Lira secured the Mountain drake for CG and two minutes later Lira, Damonte and Cody Sun proceeded to take the first turret on the top lane with rift herald after securing a kill on Spica however TSM responded by taking the bot lane turret. In the 14th minute of the game Lira and Damonte got a pick onto Broken Blade in TSM’s bot side jungle allowing them to take a second Mountain drake. 5 minutes later a fight breaks out leading to the death of Broken Blade and Smoothie which allowed CG to take Nashor after, Spica died in the process of trying to get close to the Nashor pit to attempt a potential steal. CG then proceeded to take the mid and bottom tier 2 turrets and the bot lane inhib turret and inhib. In the 27th minute CG proceeded to engage on TSM and got a kill on Broken Blade which they tried to convert into a Nashor however Spica stole it with a flash over the wall and a smite on the Nashor. CG got one more Ocean drake before pushing bot lane, killing four from TSM and ending the game in just over 30 minutes.


Game 2


CG Blue Side: Huni - Rumble, Lira - Sylas, Damonte - Qiyana, Cody Sun - Sivir, Vulcan - Tahm Kench

TSM Red Side: Broken Blade - Kled, Spica - Sejuani, Bjergsen - Corki, Zven - Vayne, Smoothie - Braum


In the 7th minute of the game are around Infernal drake however TSM does not engage until CG secure it due to that they were waiting for Broken Blade to make his way down. Bjergsen proceeded to get first blood onto Huni and Zven followed up with another kill onto Vulcan. 5 minutes later CG proceeded to destroy the first turret top lane again with Rift Herald, Lira and Cody Sun and Vulcan. TSM traded the turret for an Ocean drake. In the 18th minute a fight broke out in the bot side river, where CG picked up two kills onto Broken Blade and Smoothie which resulted in them getting an Ocean Drake and the mid lane tier one turret. 1 minute later a 5 vs 5 teamfight broke out in the top lane which resulted in TSM getting aced, CG losing none and taking a free Nashor. In the 24th minute CG proceeded to take another Infernal drake, 1 minute later a fight breaks out in the mid lane which ended with TSM getting aced, CG only losing Vulcan and CG taking a mid inhib turret, mid inhib and a nexus turret. 2 minutes later as a final stand TSM engaged onto CG trying to kill Huni however it did not work out the way they planned it too and it resulted in them losing 4 members and the game.


Game 3


TSM Blue Side: Broken Blade - Aatrox, Spica - Sejuani, Bjergsen - Akali, Zven - Xayah, Smoothie - Rakan

CG Red Side: Huni - Azir, Lira - Skarner, Damonte - Tristana, Cody Sun - Sivir, Vulcan - Nautilus


The game was quite quiet in the early stages with Zven getting first blood onto Vulcan in the 5th minute and Spica getting a Cloud drake for TSM in the 11th minute which Damonte and Lira responded too by taking the first turret mid lane with the Rift Herald. In the 16th minute Spica engaged a 5 vs 5 by using his ultimate onto Vulcan which resulted in killing him however CG responded by killing Bjergsen and then killing a Cloud drake. 6 minutes later CG proceeded to kill an Ocean drake and then got a pick onto Spica in their top side jungle. CG then tried to convert that kill into a Nashor however TSM decided to fight them in the pit which resulted in Bjergsen and Smoothie dying however Zven got a huge Pentakill and TSM secured the Nashor shortly after. After this point in the game TSM is in the drivers seat. They proceed to take a bottom inhib, mid inhib and the Ocean drake in the 27th minute. Shortly after TSM engaged a fight in the mid lane aceing CG and only losing their Bot lane duo in the process which then resulted in them ending the game and bringing the series back to 2-1.


Game 4


CG Blue Side: Huni - Rumble, Lira - Rek’sai, Damonte - Sylas, Cody Sun - Kai’sa, Vulcan - Nautilus

TSM Red Side: Broken Blade - Vladimir, Spica - Jarvan IV, Bjergsen - Corki, Zven - Sivir, Smoothie - Braum


This game also started off quite slow with CG taking an Ocean drake in the 6th minute however in the 11th minute a 5 vs 5 teamfight breaking out in the bot lane with both top laners and Bjergsen teleporting down. Spica got first blood onto Lira before paying the price with his life too Cody Sun. Meanwhile Bjergsen killed Vulcan and assisted Zven in killing Huni who killed Smoothie before dying. However the fight was not over yet with Cody Sun still killing Broken Blade. 2 minutes later CG secured a Cloud drake which shortly after led to the deaths of Lira, Vulcan and Damonte however Damonte was able to secure the first turret in bot lane before dying. In the 19th minute an extended teamfight broke out where CG were able to secure a late ace but lost Huni, Damonte and Vulcan in the process, CG secured another Cloud drake as a result. In the 25th minute CG secured another Cloud drake and 4 minutes later the Nashor which TSM traded with by taking the Infernal drake shortly after. However going for the Infernal drake was a poor decision by TSM as it resulted in them losing two turrets mid lane and the mid lane inhib. Then in the 34th minute a 5 vs 5 teamfight broke out in the mid lane leading to TSM losing 4 and eventually getting aced and losing the game.


CG vs TSM Full Highlights:





OPT vs CLG --- CLG win 3-0





Game 1


CLG Blue Side: Ruin - Jayce, Wiggily - Rek’sai, PowerOfEvil - Azir, Stixxay - Sivir, Biofrost - Braum

OPT Red Side: Dhokla - Poppy, Meteos - Jarvan IV, Crown - Corki, Arrow - Ezreal, Big - Bard


Optic starts the game off by picking up the Mountain drake in the 9th minute, 2 minutes later Meteos picks up the first blood onto Ruin however Wiggily manages to pick up the Rift Herald for CLG. 15 minutes into the game Optic manage to pick up an Infernal drake and Crown picks up the first turret bot lane shortly after. 5 minutes later Optic pick up the Nashor buff, trading an Infernal drake for it. With this Nashor buff Optic are able to secure three turrets and a couple minutes later another Infernal drake for themselves. Optic manage to pick up another Nashor buff in the 28th minute using it too pick up another tier two turret and Mountain Drake. 6 minutes later Optic manages to secure yet another Nashor buff making it their third of the game so far. With this third Nashor buff Optic is able to finally break the base and take the top lane inhibitor however CLG picks up the Elder drake in response after killing Meteos and Arrow. 40 minutes into the game Optic pick up their fourth Nashor buff, taking down all inhib turrets the top and middle inhibitor. Optic then proceeds to taking the Elder drake. Moments later Optic picks a bad fight losing Arrow and Dhokla and then eventually Big and Crown too, after Crown got the bottom inhibitor, however that was the mistake CLG was looking for Optic to make as they break into the base and end the game in just over 46 minutes. 


Game 2


Optic Blue Side: Dhokla - Aatrox, Meteos - Trundle, Crown - Sylas, Arrow - Draven, Big - Morgana

CLG Red Side: Ruin - Camille, Wiggily - Sejuani, PowerOfEvil - Azir, Stixxay - Varus, Biofrost - Zyra


Arrow picks up the first blood onto Biofrost in just under 5 minutes in a little bot lane skirmish, 2 minutes later Meteos picks up the Mountain drake. In the 12th minute Stixxay hits a chains of corruption onto Big securing the pick and the Ocean drake for CLG. 1 minute later Arrow and Big manage to secure the first turret bot lane however CLG respond with the mid lane turret seconds later. CLG manage to pick up a Mountain drake minutes later and a Nashor buff in the 23rd minute. They use this Nashor buff very efficiently compared to Optic in Game 1 taking down 7 turrets including a Nexus turret and the bottom and middle inhibitor before getting aced by Optic however killing four on their way down. CLG pick up their second Nashor buff of the game just before the 30 minute mark, which led to them getting an ace on Optic and ending the game in just under 31 minutes. 


Game 3


CLG Blue Side: Ruin - Poppy, Wiggily - Sylas, PowerOfEvil - Syndra, Stixxay - Caitlyn, Biofrost - Morgana

Optic Red Side: Dhokla - Jayce, Meteos - Jarvan IV, Crown - Corki, Arrow - Xayah, Big - Karma


Biofrost picks up the first blood onto Arrow in the first 50 seconds after a 5 man CLG invade into Optic’s bottom side of the jungle where Ruin gets a perfect stun onto the wall securing the first blood. Just before the 9 minute mark secure the first drake of the game, a Mountain drake. 5 minutes later CLG secures a Cloud drake after getting a pick onto Big. Prior to this Stixxay and Biofrost secure the first turret bot lane after killing Arrow. 19 minutes into the game CLG is able to secure the mid lane inhibitor turret, 3 minutes later CLG is able to secure yet another Cloud drake. 26 minutes into the game CLG were able to take out Meteos and Big and take the Nashor buff shortly after. With this CLG kill 4 take the bottom and mid lane inhibitors and end the game in over 28 minutes securing their spot in the semi finals.






Week 9 of the LEC Preview


Current Standings:




G2 Esports






Schalke 04




Team Vitality




SK Gaming 


Excel Esports


Misfits Gaming 



Week 9 Match Ups






Day 1: Team Vitality vs Misfits Gaming, Excel Esports vs SK Gaming, Splyce vs Fnatic, Rogue vs Origen and G2 Esports vs Schalke 04


Day 2: Splyce vs Misfits Gaming, Origen vs SK Gaming, Schalke 04 vs Team Vitality, G2 Esports vs Excel Esports and Fnatic vs Rogue


The two games of the week are both in Day 1, Fnatic vs Splyce and Rogue vs Origen. Fnatic vs Splyce is going to be the biggest match determining who will claim that second place spot. In their last match up of the season Splyce dominated the game from the beginning and ending the game in just under 42 minutes. In the last 5 games of the split both teams have won four and lost one, Fnatic losing to G2 and Splyce surprisingly being beaten by Excel Esports in Week 7. The second match of the week is Origen and Rogue, if Origen beats Rogue they will have secured their Playoff spot however if Origen fails to beat Rogue then they could lose their playoff spot depending on what happens in the last game of the group stages. Rogue beat Origen in the first game of the Summer split between the two and both teams have won two of the last five match ups and lost three.



LCS Playoffs


Saturday: Cloud 9 vs Counter Logic Gaming

Sunday: Team Liquid vs Clutch Gaming






C9 have played CLG 3 times so far this split, two regular split games and one playoff game to determine the second place spot. The first game between the two was quite even at the beginning however as the game progressed C9 took more objectives and began to dominate ending the game with four drakes to CLG’s one and taking ten turrets to CLG’s two. The game lasted 36 minutes, the longest game between them this split as both other games were dominated by one of the two teams. The second game CLG dominated C9 taking eleven of their turrets compared to C9’s two, taking four drakes, and eventually ending the game at 28 minutes. However in the latest game C9 dominated CLG in the playoff match winning the game in just over 24 minutes, taking nine turrets and only letting one fall. It’ll be interesting to see if this last playoff match is in CLG’s mind or if they bring the team that dominated Optic last week.






As for Team Liquid and CG, they have faced each other only twice in the split and TL won both games. The first game was quite even until the 24 minute mark when a 5 vs 5 teamfight erupted in the mid lane and TL killed 4. From that moment on the game was over and it only took TL 5 more minutes to end the game. The second match however was very different with TL controlling the game straight off the bat and ending the game in 28 minutes. Although the stats are in favor of TL, CG had a very impressive quarter final against TSM and if they can perform the same as they did against TL we could have an upset.


User Feedback

Thanks for writing this up Jaiyo. I love to hear about the competition going on in LoL. Can't wait to see you guys cover esports in other games. 

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