CoD Division is now fully staffed again - What TG like minded gamers can do
- By TG Command
It took a while, but since June of last year, we've cleaned up the mess left by the previous Chain of Command and re-implemented the fundamentals that allowed us to be around for 20 years now.
The departure of certain individuals has opened the door for others with vast experience (Corps Commanders & above) to come back, For example, The man, the myth, the legend, TG's Godfather returned and helped us clean up the website, update Discord, documents and procedures and then took over as a Division Officer (DO) of CoD Division. Because of his experience on how to build and grow a Division, it didn't take long for new members to start pouring in.
Today, CoD is pretty much fully staffed with close to a full Platoon (6 Squads) in each Battalion. WIth his mission completed, @SenileSarge has taken over as DO of Vanguard Division to help the Hell Divers members graduate from Vanguard Division and become the Hell Divers Division. in addition, @Forest28 1996 has been been announced as the new DO of CoD Division.
As such, we're very happy to announce the following awards
To all who shall see these presents, greeting:
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of
We hereby award one Instance of TG Medal
The Tactical Gaming Medal is awarded to an individual who has displayed exemplary behavior by increasing Tactical Gaming’s presence in the gaming community, on all platforms. The recipient of this award must have distinguished him or herself from his team members by showing extraordinary dedication to campaigning in Tactical Gaming’s cause; by promoting Tactical Gaming’s interests throughout the gaming community; or by selflessly resolving conflict with outside organizations.
This award is given by TG Command only.
Given under our hands on 04-04-2024
Signed by: President @TGxBiggy and 1st Corps Commander @TGxShadowghost
To all who shall see these presents, greeting:
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of
We hereby award one Instance of the Legion of Merit
The Legion of Merit is awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.Performance of duties normal to the rank, division, specialty or assignment, and experience of an individual is not an adequate basis for this award. Service should be in the nature of a special requirement or of an extremely difficult duty performed in an unprecedented and clearly exceptional manner. However, justification of the award may accrue by virtue of exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of important positions. This award can be recommended by anyone, but must be approved by Tactical Gaming Command prior to issuance.
Given under our hands on 04-04-2024
Signed by: President @TGxBiggy and 1st Corps Commander @TGxShadowghost