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I am starting a new series that we (Kancepth and I) think has a lot of flexibility, and inclusion of important areas of Tactical Gaming. In the beginning of this series, I sought an individual with whom has always been a close confidant and adviser to me and I to him. The conversation started as trying to find a good title for a series focused on ATCs or Advanced Training Courses. We tossed around a dozen or so titles for the series that sounded good, but none were quite what we were aiming for.
We finally settled on the series title to be 'ADDICTED.'
"Why addicted?" you might ask yourself. That's an excellent question. What we believe that title could entail is almost limitless. We want to bring some of the areas that aren't normally reported on by the News Team.
This new series could include a wide variety of subjects, for example:
~ Addicted to being a like minded gamer.
~ Addicted to the chain of command.
~ Addicted to advanced training courses.
So in this first installment of a series that will tackle a wide variety of subjects, this one is simply named 'Addicted' for two reasons. The first is that I want to preface the series, and the second is to give credit where credit is due.
TGxLadicius: First of all, I want to thank you for helping me develop this series. I must ask you why did you feel compelled to assist in coming up with this title for the series?
TGxKancepth: Hi Lad, thanks for having me! There were two reasons really;
1. When I joined TG back in May 2018, you were the BGC of GR PC Division. We didn't have SS nor BTN Staff, so you and Razgriz117 (CO of 1st Battalion) helped us with whatever we needed. It's no secret that I'm immensely appreciative of your efforts and how you handled our division. I've been in some clans in the past, but you showed true leadership. When you came asking for my assistance, of course I wanted to help!
2. I really liked the premise! I think it's a great initiative and something that should be reported. I'm sure so many is having the same feeling of addiction here in TG, the feeling of being a TG member and all that follows. We talked about the ATCs and the badges you can acquire, and I know from my own personal experience that as a member of TG, for some reason, you feel like a part of a really tight-knit «family» and you want to contribute. You want to acquire all the knowledge, improve, not only for yourself, but for your squad - Together, with your squad. I instantly felt these feelings rise when you talked about your idea for a new series, and I wanted to contribute. It's a great initiative.
TGxLadicius: What subject do you feel should be the focus of the second installment in this series?
TGxKancepth: I except some sensational reports to come in this series. I feel that the second installment should focus on one of two aspects of being a TG member;
Either. The feeling of being a member in TG. You know, Tactical Gaming is different. It's different from most clans / communities you find out there. Because you get a special connection, a personal bound, friends. Especially in your squad, the people you play with several hours a week. You're here to have fun, to be like-minded, to enjoy ourselves. And the way TG has set all of this up, well. It really works. You strive to get better, TOGETHER, for the squad, for the community, for yourself. It's really amazing, and I would love to see an article capture this feeling in members.
Or. The support teams. About being part of the support team and shed some light on those members and departments in general. What do they do, why do they do it etc. I think we need more information out on the different support team positions, how to apply and what they do / how they work. I think many members want to contribute and we underutilize our resources (the members wanting to contribute!) because there isn't enough information available.
TGxLadicius: How do you feel this series could or will be beneficial to our community?
TGxKancepth: This series can be so diverse, it's a concept where you can take all aspects of TG, specific or more general, and highlight it. I think this series will be beneficial to our community in that it can shed light on subjects where there isn't enough information out there, or even strengthen the ethos of TG!
TGxLadicius: In closing you, in my experience, are monumental in member retention and consultation. What advice would you give to a member looking to develop new ideas for our community?
TGxKancepth: Thank you for the kind words Lad, they are greatly appreciated!
My advice is quite simple. Use the resources you have available and promote your voice. You can discuss your idea through the forums or discord for example. More concrete ideas you can push through the Chain of Command or you can create a suggestion ticket through the Support Team Services (STS) forum. You can then promote that suggestion via sharing the link and asking people to support the idea if they like it. Point being, utilize the resources TG has given you. It's a large community, and though you might be part of a small squad, you're still a part of a huge community and you have access to them on the forums!
Like we discussed earlier, people want to contribute, so making a suggestion and discussing it with people is a great way to develop new ideas and maybe see them implemented in the community you feel addicted to being a part of.
Stay tuned for the second installment of the 'Addicted' series. The next installment will be 'Addicted to your support.' It will focus on our support teams.