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Thank You For Your TG Service! - uwshoward98

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In this instalment of our 'Thank you for your TG service!'  I am interviewing Warrant Officer uwshoward98. He is currently Squad Leader of Tomcats(ST) in the Battlefield Division. uwshoward98 has been a member of Tactical Gaming since March 2014.


TG SmokeyB: Who within TG has been one of your biggest influences?

uwshoward98:  I'd have to say TG Kacy2k and TG WarRellik are two people I have to thank for where I am in TG today. They were my CoC when I moved up to squad staff and they were incredibly patient with me. I made a jump from SA to SL way before I was ready for the responsibility and they were always willing to give advice/help whenever I needed it.


TG SmokeyB: Why do you enjoy your division?

uwshoward98:  The people are what make it great. As a division we are always expanding and it's a very welcome environment. 


TG SmokeyB: What are you most looking forward to within TG?

uwshoward98:  I'm really looking forward to participating in and creating some large scale TG operations once BF5 is given private servers. With the ability to move artillery and build fortifications I believe we will be able to create some awesome scenarios.


TG SmokeyB: Describe your leadership style and why?

uwshoward98:  I like to keep things casual within my squad. In our weekly practices we put our primary focus onto enjoying the game. If we win that's just an added bonus. In Tomcats it is understood that we can cut up and have fun as much as we want as long as the squad buckles down and gets serious when it is asked of them.

TG SmokeyB: If you had one game that you would love to see in TG what would that be?

uwshoward98:  I would love to see a legion created within TA for The Elder Scrolls Online.

TG SmokeyB: What is the best thing about Tactical Gaming that keeps you here?

uwshoward98:  In all honesty it's just nice to feel like you're a part of something bigger. I know that sounds rather cliché but it's cool to feel like you've helped contribute to something that's not only larger but evolving and expanding. I've met a lot of cool people while being in TG and they're friendships that last.

TG SmokeyB:  What would you say to any member who wants to move up the CoC?

uwshoward98: Don't be afraid to ask questions and reach out to other staff/CoC members. We're all here to build each other up and make an amazing community. Also in the case of SS shape your squad the way you want it. At the core squads are all the same but they all have their own personalities. If you look at our current lineup and feel something is missing fill the gap don't be afraid to be different!

TG SmokeyB: What is the funniest thing you've ever done in your time with TG or any game for that matter?

uwshoward98:  TG once had an Op on BF4 where we had to protect a VIP, but the catch was the VIP got to move around where ever he wanted to. He kept putting himself in danger  so one of my SM's recommended we push him up against a wall with a riot shield for his own safety. So a couple of our members caught him in a corner and pushed him into it. The issue was friendly fire was on so when they shield bashed him into the corner they actually killed him. Thankfully it didn't cost us the Op. and they allowed him to re-spawn but that was where Tomcats got the reputation of being unconventional to say the least.


Thanks for taking the time to participate uwshoward98!

A special thank you to TGxLadicius for letting this interview enter his 'Thanks For Your TG Service' series. Appricate the support!


User Feedback

Guest TG SmokeyB


I would like to say thank you to @TGxLadiciusfor the idea behind 'Thank You For Service' and letting us go ahead with the addition to his series.

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Guest TGxLadicius


3 hours ago, TG SmokeyB said:

I would like to say thank you to @TGxLadiciusfor the idea behind 'Thank You For Service' and letting us go ahead with the addition to his series.


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Guest TG Epsi


Ha, I was the VIP for that mission. I remember that. We laughed pretty hard about it.

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Guest TG Kacy2k


@uwshoward98 Id say you are one of the perfect examples of dedication and determination in TG. Once you proved to yourself that you could run Tomcats, you took off full steam ahead and never looked back. Im glad to see that your squad is still doing well.

As for that Op....lol I agree with Howard, that was the start of unconventional warfare in Battlefield division. There was some hate for a day or two then others squads started to think outside of the box.

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